Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity

“I'm going to keep writing anyway because that's my job. And I would please like the record to reflect today that I showed up for my part of the job.”

After watching this speaker I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder and that I could actually be ok with the path that I am taking and the choices I am making. I have always had the worst luck with getting that idea and it never came at the right time and one reason could have been focus but I think the opportunities and choices that I am making now are inspiring me and creating that creativity. Attitude is what I feel like its about. A huge part of going through life is your attitude is going to decide a lot. Being able to just brush off the loss or failure and get back up to start working on the next product is the best feeling ever. But it doesn’t happen all the time and its like Elizabeth was saying, it just come to you and it unexplainable. I think that this is touching on a subject that I am really concerned about. When are we going to adopt better teaching methods? I’ve written about that more in the read more section but needless to say I’ve been inspired so much by this ted talk that every Thursday I’ll post different Ted talk that I think is worth watching. Tune in next Thursday for Thursday is Ted Day!

Well I did some research and found schools all around are adopting new ways to teach children information. “Spaced Learning” is a method where short sharp lessons are interspersed with an entirely different activity and repeated at regular intervals. And high-speed learning is proving far more effective in helping children improve their concentration – and their grades – than conventional lessons. This sounds awesome. Its talks about playing basketball for a few minuets and talking about what you are learning and then sitting down and learning from a desk. Researchers say it is changing the way teachers are teaching. I hope that every teacher starts adopting these types of concepts. This is going to be a whole different avenue I think for the creative students. Maybe incorporating art, theater, acting, cinematography, dance, and music along with general education a better more confident creative era or kids will come. 

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