Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

For the past few months I’ve been seeing this title for a movie coming out and I finally got to watch the trailer, it looks awesome. If the chemistry is there this movie might be extremely moving. It is about a boy who looses his farther to the tragedy on September 11, 2001. But after finds a key that he must find the lock it goes to. Searching for anything that could bring him closer to his dad.  I think this film will be something like Little Miss Sunshine or Sunshine Cleaning. A movie that when you leave the theater you leave happy for what you have and who you are.This movie also seems like a comeback movie for two falling stars.
Tom Hanks plays the Dad who is killed but there seems to be a few scenes in the beginning where he might get to shine. Sandra Bullock is the mom and hasn’t done a movie since her last hit The Blind Side in 2009. If her performance is anything like The Blind Side, the movie will be fantastic. Bullock is also coming out with a new movie called Gravity, with George Clooney. The film is in Post-production but there is not much information on it.  Tom Hanks may also be making a comeback with two new movies on the books, Cloud Atlas, coming out in 2012, which is currently filming and A Captain’s Duty, scheduled to release not until 2013. From the previous movies these actor might have what it takes to pull off this type of movie. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Opens in theaters on Jan 20, 2012 and will have a limited screening in select locations on Christmas Day. Check out the trailer below.  Will this be a comeback for two fading stars? What do you think?

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