Friday, September 23, 2011

Busy Weekend

      Ok so I went into my closet in my office and decided to take out one of the books I got from my film degree. Its called The Guerilla Film makers Movie Blueprint by. Chris Jones. I’ve been reading the producers blue print and realizing that this weekend is going to be a a lot of work for me. Now that I have my script I need to get somewhere to shoot it and something to shoot it with. At this moment I have a Canon Rebel T2i and it is looking like the best choice. The canon T2i is a great SLR that has the performance of a 7d but is lighter and less durable.
      This weekend the location I want to shot at needs to be contacted and set up a time to discuss shooting. I’m not going to reviele my story but one of the locations is a Bowling Ally. I’m hoping that when I call this local one in my hometown they will be more than happy to let us use the place afterhours. On top of location I also need to find cast and crew. On top of getting the crew and actors, the only way ill get this done is with a little bit of cash. In my hometown there are a few local places I know the owners to and will see if I can gather funds. My goal is to get 3,000 dollars for the pilot’s budget.

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