Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well every I have decided that my script writing skills are not up to Par. I started looking around Campus and met a new friend who is actually good at writing, we are meeting today and I can’t wait. Other than that I found a website called Tongal and am entering a video into the contest this weekend. If you are looking for a way to earn extra cash video contest are where its at. This website for example is a great way to get your ideas out there and get money for it. So you click on a brand or a contest and there are different phases like concept and pitch, etc.. well if you submit a concept and it is a finalist you win money and a little prize but say someone used your concept to make their video, well that is another chunk of change and it is an awesome way to get more people involved and have better commercials. For the commercial I am doing I didn’t have to think of the idea I just looked at the concept and found one that I could see shot for shot in my head and now I am shooting it this weekend. SUPER EXCITING! Here is the contest website if anyone is interested.

After one of my classes in my master's program I realized I can't be the jack of all trades and other people can do things for me a lot better and I need to hire these people and connect with these people. The motivation today is high! 

Schedule for this week:
Today- Meeting with writer
Thursday-Finishing storyboards for commercial
Friday- Shooting
Saturday- retake day if needed
Sunday- Get someone to edit it!

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